If you worked in any of these countries, you could be due a Tax Refund

Are you missing out on Flat Rate Expenses?


We talk to a lot of Irish PAYE workers every day and it often comes as a surprise to them that they are eligible to claim flat rate expenses.

Flat rate allowances are a type of tax relief available to people working in certain trades and professions.

The amount that can be claimed depends on what the job is.


The average Irish tax refund is €1,880


How much can I claim?

Standard flat rate expense allowances are set by Revenue for various classes of employee, for example, shop workers are granted flat rate expenses of €121 per year and bar trade employees get €97 per annum. Nurses who supply and launder their own uniforms can claim a deduction of €733. We’ve claimed flat rate expenses for a lot of HSE workers over the last few years. 

Deductions are also available to doctors, engineers, plumbers, journalists, teachers, waiters, porters and even people who play in the RTE Symphony Orchestra!  

It’s important to note that you don’t automatically get the flat rate expense tax deduction; you have to claim it.

Once you confirm you are in a type of qualifying employment you can get it and, like medical expenses, you can go back four years for your refund.

How to claim your flat rate expenses

How to claim your flat rate expenses

You may automatically receive your Flat Rate Expense if your remployer has submitted the right information to Revenue, but a lot of the time workers will need to file a Form 12 and submit it to Revenue so they know you are in a position to claim it.

Flat Rate Expenses are one of the most commonly missed expenses for employees applying for a tax refund.

You will not automatically get the flat rate expenses deduction - i.e. you have to claim it. But as soon as you confirm you are in a type of qualifying employment, you can claim it!

Taxback can review your entitlements for the last four years and assist you claiming any money you're owed from this tax credit.

Unsure whether you can claim flat rate expenses? Reach out to our friendly Irish Tax Team at info@taxback.com.

NOTE: You can find a full list of expenses here.

About The Author

Sinead Gill - PR & Communications Manager @ Taxback.com

Hello. I live and breathe communications and love finding different and original ways to reach an audience. The challenge lies in trying to keep things fresh even when it’s a topic you’ve covered before. Branding, PR and communications are the three cornerstones of what I do so it’s a very interesting job!

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