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Our CSR activity is carried out all year round

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CSR Activity in Cluj

17 January 2013

CSR Activity in ClujThe latest CSR initiative undertaken by taxback.com took place in Romania this week.

Staff members in our Cluj office arranged to donate €2,000 to a Social Services Centre.

The centre supports abandoned children and old people who are in need of shelter, food and education. The money donated will provide much-needed supplies for the centre.

The centre was opened 15 years ago by a priest who was deeply concerned about the number of children and old people who weren’t getting the care and support they needed.

The centre carries out valuable work every day but relies heavily on donations. Staff members in our Cluj office were invited to the centre where they received a very warm welcome from the children there.

CSR news

Corporate Social Responsibility Queries

If you'd like to enquire about our CSR programme, email corporatesocialresponsibility@taxback.com

Meet our partners CSR news

Jack and Jill’s Children’s Foundation
We formed a partnership with the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation in early 2012.
Temple Street Children’s University Hospital
We are currently supporting Temple Street`s Pet Therapy initiative.
Sveta Marina Hospital
We have been working with the oncological ward in the Sveta Marina Hospital, Varna, Bulgaria since 2008.
Our Lady’s Hospital for sick children, Crumlin, Dublin
In the Summer of 2012, we started working with Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children, Crumlin, Dublin.
Enable Ireland O'Neill Centre, Kilkenny
We worked on a sensory garden for children at the O’Neill Centre which is the Enable Ireland base in Kilkenny.
CanTeen, Australia
CanTeen's mission is to support, develop and empower young people living with cancer. The team in our Sydney Office has carried out several fundraising activities for CanTeen Australia.
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