Ups! Nadal pracujemy nad przetłumaczeniem tej strony na POLSKI, póki co widzisz jej angielską wersję. Przepraszamy za niedogodności.Polska wersja pojawi się najszybciej jak to możliwe.

Free Refund Calculator

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Australian Tax Refund Calculator

Use our quick handy Australian tax calculator below to get an instant refund calculation. It only takes a few seconds to let you know how much you`re owed and it`s free. Average Australian refund AU$2,600*!

Income & Tax Details

( * - mandatory fields )




Visa type*

Please specify*

Please include wage and tax information for all jobs you had in the selected tax year.

Total Income*

Total Tax Paid*

Tax Year*

Total annual amount of work-related expenses

Tax agent Fees

Gifts and donations

Please enter the characters from the box below:*


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